Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Weekly Sketch

My name is Jesse Horst. I'm a professional artist and have recently decided to start a blog about my work. My goal is to draw something every week keeping it fairly open and free. I may post complete sketches or little doodles I draw on a napkin while waiting for my food in a restaurant. I will post this sketch on the Friday of every week and talk about my work. Greater thought will now be given to the random sketches that end up collecting dust in miscellaneous sketch books and/or garbage's. Hopefully, this internal critique will enlighten me. I complete many finalized paintings, but this weekly post will only focus on the sketches created for no concrete purpose. I will take you on my personal adventure every week in the quest for greater understanding. Come back Friday the 14th for my first drawing, it should be very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea for a Blog. Can't wait to see your sketches. Wow they really make you jump through hoops to comment on this site.
