Friday, February 26, 2010

Apologies for last week's post, I was very tired and left some spelling errors. Anyone who knows me personally knows how I love trees. This week's sketch I drew on regular white paper using one of my favorite drawing mediums "pen." I know the fine art world has not included the average ballpoint into the artist's medium list yet but I love them. The ballpoint pen has a nice feel and I can achieve dark and light tones just like any other fine art ink. The subject here is a tree singing to a Raccoon on a swing. I've been personifying trees for as long as I can remember. 90% of my paintings with trees have a face or some kind of human-like quality. This tree seems to be singing a heartfelt song while the Raccoon is swinging away. I've been on a Raccoon kick recently for some reason. I think the tail does it for me, I am a big fan of stripes. I completed the sketch in around 20 minutes. With trees, I could spend hours completing every branch. This tree just came out of my head, most of the time I do not use references when working with trees. I enjoy the tree that comes purely out of mind, it may not be scientifically accurate or even belong to a species, but at least I can say I grew it. What song is the Tree singing?

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Weekly Sketch

This is an interesting drawing I whipped up in my sketch pad. I really don't understand the subject myself. It appears that I drew a girl/boy in a clown like suit holding a devil head. I seriously don't think when I draw, I just go with the flow, and this is what comes out. I'm really tired because I just came home from my friends house so I really can't generate a good critique of this sketch. I will say though that the majority of my doodles are bazar.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Weekly Sketch 2/12/10

Tuesday was Denny's free Grand Slam day from 6am to 2pm. If you came between these hours you could get a free Grand Slam. When things are free, people from all walks of life come out of the woodwork to receive their prize, even if they have to wait 2 hours for a $6.99 breakfast. I went to visit my waitress mother during this promotional event and made sure the customers were treating her right, because if they didn't, my brother and I would lay down the law.

I was handed an entry form to win 52 free Grand Slams. I came to the realization that I would not enjoy a year of these meals, so I used the back of the form to make the drawing. I was also given a baby pencil to fill out the form, which I used as my tool. It seems that all my random drawings have this zombie-like feel. I really don't think about what I'm going to sketch, rather just jump into it. The people to the right of me were watching me draw, which always makes me feel uncomfortable. They're probably wondering "what's wrong with this guy." I decided to name this character Denny after the restaurant. I added a cute portion of pancakes with a cup of coffee. The people to the left of me were yelling " Miss, are they coming around with more coffee." My mom should have splashed hot coffee in their face, but decided not to. I think that is why I drew Denny yelling, because of the clowns next to me. The fork and knife were the last things I drew before my Grand Slam was laid on the table. Usually when my food comes I forget about my doodle and leave it forever. I almost never take my doodle with me, unless it was done in a sketch book. I found out that some waiters actually grab my sketches and keep them. One restaurant has my random scribble on their bulletin board. To bring this sketch home and scan it into my computer is definitely new for me. I think it is too late to submit the entry form now, this damn blog cost me 52 Grand Slams. Check back and see next Friday's sketch, talk to you later.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Weekly Sketch

My name is Jesse Horst. I'm a professional artist and have recently decided to start a blog about my work. My goal is to draw something every week keeping it fairly open and free. I may post complete sketches or little doodles I draw on a napkin while waiting for my food in a restaurant. I will post this sketch on the Friday of every week and talk about my work. Greater thought will now be given to the random sketches that end up collecting dust in miscellaneous sketch books and/or garbage's. Hopefully, this internal critique will enlighten me. I complete many finalized paintings, but this weekly post will only focus on the sketches created for no concrete purpose. I will take you on my personal adventure every week in the quest for greater understanding. Come back Friday the 14th for my first drawing, it should be very exciting!