The last three days I've been working at The Harvesters church off of Transit and Seneca completing a Children's themed Noah's Ark mural. Just finished this mural yesterday and still washing the airbrush paint off of my body. This mural was created with acrylic and airbrush paints and was designed to match the original mural that was destroyed when the room was renovated. I have to say this was a fun mural, it didn't take too long to complete and it should makes some kids happy. I also got to paint a little portrait of my parrot Smeagol in the design. The funny thing is he is the only animal in that whole mural that does not have a partner. If you know Smeagol, he doesn't get along with many things and would never board a ship with another parrot of his kind. If you are looking for him he is on the up most top of the giraffe's head on the left.