Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Little Guitar

Here is the second guitar I did for Bob at I went for an art nouveau style for this little guy and painted using fine acrylics. I think it looks pretty cute!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Guitar Woodburning

Here is the Martin guitar I've been working on. Had to strip down the finish so I could woodburn the pure wood grain. It was a long process, but I was pretty happy with its unique look. I took my time on this piece because woodburning is tattooing of the wood and there was no turning back if I messed up the design.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Great Horned Owl Chainsaw Art

A few weeks ago I finally finished my Great Horned Owl Chainsaw sculpture. This is my first chainsaw art piece, and there will be many more to come. I've had offers on this piece, but have not decided on selling. It resides now in sunny N.C. and might make the trip to Buffalo if I cut him down. The tree used for the owl was struck by lightning a few years ago and the whole tree was charred black. I thought it looked real cool, but since the house is for sale that it stands in front of, I thought I should clean it up. I like to think the wise owl has supernatural powers since it was struck by lightning. Chainsaw art is something the Cornelius N.C. crowd is not familiar with and the neighbors said it has been the talk of the town, which is nice!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Funeral Plates

Hey Guys,

I've Decided on posting some pics of the funeral plates I get commissioned to do from The Kevin M. Mason Funeral Home. I've been working with Kevin for a while now and if you're planning your final arrangements I would strongly suggest his funeral home. Not only will your family receive a personalized decorative plate in memory of your loved one, but Kevin also has me make personalized glass ornaments for the families at Christmas time. I really do not know any funeral homes that get that creative. Here are just a few of the plates that I do for the funeral home.

I have to use glass paint which is really tricky to use and dries ultra fast. I have to get the plates done generally in 1 to 2 days so they are ready for the wake. The themes are usually based on the prayer card the families pick out for their loved one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Buffalo Bisons will be hosting a Ghostbusters Night. I will be making some stuff for the event. Here is a possible logo for the event which may or may not be used. Stay tuned to the bisons page for more updates!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New Portrait

Hey guys, here is one of the newer portraits I have been wrapping up. I did not want to display the full painting because this had been commissioned for a wedding gift and I do not want unwanted eyes seeing the full piece before its time "but it should be ok." I enjoyed working on the man's face and the couples hands. The guy had a certain warmth in his gesture that I tried my best to convey even though I only had a pic to work with. It is my knowledge that the couple both passed away, that always evokes a different feeling when I'm working on a piece. I still have not gotten around to painting my father's portrait and he died years ago. I guess I have to get in a certain mindset to work on that one.